Horse boarding, training and lessons in Spokane Boarding - Training - Lessons
4607 Gardenspot, Deer Park, WA - 509-276-6345
Feeding Program

The goal here is doing the best for your horse!
This means feeding consistently good hay. We buy our hay from one source and store it in our 50x80 hay barn. We provide straight grass hay and straight alfalfa hay so we can feed exactly what the horse needs. To ensure quality, our hay is analyzed and we have regular consultations with a nutritionist.

Grain and supplements are available at an extra cost.

Each horse is on his own feeding program. We house horses of similar dietary needs.

Because horses are creatures of habit, our feeding program is consistent. We feed at the same time every morning and evening. In the winter the horses are fed after dark so their night doesn't seem so long.

The water tanks are heated in the winter. They are topped off twice a day - everyday - and tanks are scrubbed out once a week. Even in the winter!

Feeding Program Full Time Care Provider Additional Care Providers Rehabilitation Program Mare & Foal

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